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Words of Abundance

Your Host, Randy Petrick
Writer's pictureRandy Petrick


Updated: Mar 28


Are you wealthy? It’s an interesting question. Many, thinking about people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and others, would be inclined to say no. But, before you answer, let me share some research I did.

First, I found a site called, which said around one billion people worldwide live on less than $1 a day. Less than $1 a day! That shocked me, but I wanted to put it in perspective. So, I asked Siri about U.S. household income. She directed me to Wikipedia, where I found that in 2020, the median U.S. household income was $67,521. (Wikipedia also helpfully informed me that the estimated total earthly population in 2022 was eight billion.)

An open notebook with pages covered in complex mathematical formulas. Two pencils, some eyeglasses, and a calculator are sitting on top of the open pages.

So, if I did the math correctly (see my work over to the right there), one in every eight people lives on less than $1/day while the average household in the U.S. lives on $185/day. Isn’t it likely that those one in eight (12%) making less than $1/day would think of the average American the same way we might think of Jeff Bezos? I’m guessing they would.

We are so wealthy! We truly are blessed with abundance. Consider also: According to Automotive Market Research (, there were 1.446 billion vehicles on earth in 2022. That means the number of cars in the world is only about 18% of the number of people.

It would be difficult to calculate the percentage of earth’s residents who can’t afford a vehicle, but one thing is clear: You should take time to be thankful for your old junker the next time you get in it. A very high percentage of the people in the world would be happy (even delighted!) to have it.


So, if we accept that we are truly wealthy, what does that say to us from a spiritual perspective? Here’s a quote I like from Chuck Bentley, the current CEO of Crown Financial Ministries:

“As Christians, we live to hear the ultimate affirmation: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’ Those words are recorded in the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. While financial in nature, the parable teaches something more than just handling money. It teaches us to be faithful ‘to God’ with money, not to ourselves. God is keeping track of how well we did using the money He provided for His purposes and His Kingdom, not our own.”

A large black iron gate closed in front of some dense green foliage.

If I died today, I don’t think I would be greeted at the pearly gates or even the back gate (shown above) with the whole “Well done, good and faithful servant.” I would hear something more like, “Well, kinda well done. Sort of. Partially. Somewhat. At least you were improving there toward the end.”

I pray to move ever closer to being able to hear the whole “Well done” affirmation my soul longs for, but Revelation 3:17 still feels way too close to home:

“You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.”

Pray with me that God will lovingly move in our hearts and guide us every day into better decisions, better obedience, and better stewardship.


How many different uses for your money can you think of? Just say them out loud, and I’ll list them here on my whiteboard. (Yes, you pretend you can see it, and I’ll pretend I have one.) Do you have enough money to use it in every one of the ways you had me list? Of course not.

So, what does that imply? Choices. Good thinking! If you have a choice between (A) and (B), how do you decide how to use your money? Some of my posts may help you in that regard, but better yet, it might be a good idea to ask the Owner a little more often, huh? Just saying.

Speaking of choices, maybe we should also consider the small decisions we make every day about how to spend our money. What if you cut your discretionary expenses by just 10 or 20 percent and used the money to help a widow or orphan, help with the church building fund, or help a missionary? Would you be sorrier about the things you cut out or happier with the good you accomplished? It’s worth a pause and some quiet reflection.


A beautiful teal and white butterfly with black edging on its wings flying in front of a blurred out dark green background.

Consider this questionably relevant observation: Some folks claim that everything affects everything else. For example, they say that if someone sneezes on the West Coast of the United States, a butterfly in Japan will know it. Or maybe it was the other way around. I’ve never personally heard a butterfly sneeze, but you never know.

Don’t mind me. I’m just being playfully jocular. But do spend a short moment in contemplation. We’ve been blessed with abundance. We are to be stewards of that abundance on God’s behalf. As we share into God’s kingdom, we are causing ripples through eternity.

For my fellow geezers: If you are, let’s say, age 60 or older, try wondering what eternal ripples may have been caused by the fellow student you led to Christ during college 40+ years ago. You’ve probably lost track of them long since, and I’ll give you extra credit if you can even remember their name. How might God have used them over these years to impact His kingdom? It gives you pause, doesn’t it? An act of yours 40+ years ago could still be rippling and multiplying through the world yet today.

In the same way, an act done today could still be rippling 40 years from now. Don’t pass by those small opportunities. Say thank you. Tip big. Hand out grocery gift cards. Tell people how God has impacted your life. You get the idea.

Now, if you’ll pardon me, I’m going to the kitchen to get some pepper. Then I’m headed for the butterflies out in our garden. If you live in Japan and could do a little listening, I’d appreciate it.


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